Speed Trivia

How does Speed Trivia work?
In order to participate in Speed Trivia, one person from each team will need to download a free app onto their own smart device. This will allow them to take part in Speed Trivia in the same way they would with a pen and paper quiz but with some notable differences.
The same as with a pen and paper pub quiz...
- Your host reads the questions.
- Quiz teams sit around a table and aim to answer as many questions as possible in order to score more points than competing teams.
- Questions are asked in rounds, with breaks in-between to allow for drinks etc.
- Teams socialize, drink, debate answers, laugh, joke, brag, and enjoy banter with other teams.
- In addition to professionally written quiz content, we can additionally create custom questions just for you. We can use these "extra" questions for bonus rounds and / or special prizes.
- Bonus questions with higher point totals near the end... no one is ever out of the game!
Unlike a pen and paper pub quiz...
- Teams are given a time-limit during which time they have to decide on an answer and input it using the keypad on their device screen. This gives players considerably less time to attempt to cheat!
- Answers are submitted by a single tap on the device screen. IE. first letter of the answer, or multiple-choice (A.B.C.D etc).
- Picture Questions are also done using a time limit, for example, teams might be given 20 seconds to put a name to a face displayed on their device-screen.
- Scoring is taken care of automatically. The leader-board being accessible at any point throughout the event.
- Unlike a traditional pub-quiz the answers are revealed immediately after each question, causing increased social interaction between team-members as well as maximum banter between competing teams.

Private Events!
Speed trivia is great fun and can be hosted anywhere - Social club, Hotels, Private Residence... The only thing we need is electricity!
Even campgrounds are a great place to host Speed Trivia!
Frequently asked questions
How easy is it to play? Very easy to setup and run. We will provide instruction for the patrons and get them setup. Even during the event, if people come in late and wish to join, no problem.
Do I need internet in my venue? No, we will bring a separate wireless hub for the event.
Do I need to connect to TVs or projectors? No, but it helps. If you do not have one readily accessible - we can provide for you.
Do I have to buy any hardware? - No, We will provide all hardware necessary!
What will I need to host Speed Trivia? Nothing! We will provide all the hardware and an enthusiastic host for the evening. If you have a large screen TV that is readily accessible, great! If not we can provide, but is not necessary. All we ask is a location within the room that is close to an outlet and easily seen from around the room.
How much does it cost to host? Individual nights are priced at $250* each. Weekly / ongoing packages will reduce the cost. When you set this up as a recurring event, will help to drive attendance! All prices include appropriate fees and taxes. There are no hidden surprises. The price we quote is the price you pay.
What should I do now?
Contact Us for any questions, request a demo - or, if you are ready to book, please call us at (860) 402-3183.